Cloud-Based Testing… Literally

At Six DOF Testing & Analysis (6D), we’ve revolutionized remote testing by pairing wireless internet—whether cellular or satellite—with a rugged Stealth PC. This self-contained system not only records data but also processes it in real-time using onboard tools like MATLAB. Data can be logged continuously or triggered by specific events, such as acceleration or strain limits, ensuring you only capture what matters. Processed results and raw data are automatically uploaded to the cloud, and the system can send alerts or be accessed remotely for monitoring and adjustments.

This approach reduces downtime, eliminates unnecessary travel, and ensures reliable, efficient data collection. Whether we configure and deploy the system for you or ship it ready to install, 6D is here to make your testing smarter and more cost-effective.

If you have the right resources, you might be able to set this kind of a system up yourself.  Alternatively, give us a call, or use the form below, and we can help you to the extent that you need.

Let us know if you’d like to learn more!

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