Testing and Upstream Product Design

Until roughly 60 years ago, introducing a new product or design change was based largely on paper drawings and an extended series of physical prototypes. This build-it, break-it process was time consuming, costly, and did not easily lend itself to innovation. Today products are represented with CAD models and their

Accelerometers: How They Work

An accelerometer is a fundamental sensor used in various electronic devices to measure and detect acceleration. These sensors operate on the principles of Newtonian physics, utilizing the movement of a proof mass and changes in capacitance to measure acceleration. MEMS accelerometers, with their miniature size and efficiency, have become ubiquitous

Strain Gauges: Unraveling Deformations with Precision

For decades, strain gauges have played a useful role in the world of engineering and testing. They serve on the frontline in deciphering the intricate deformations materials undergo under various stress conditions. In this blog post we’ll take a deeper dive into how strain gauges work. Principles of Operation At

Testing Rotating Equipment: Slip Rings or Telemetry.. Which is Best?

From oil and gas to power generation and beyond, rotating equipment, such as turbines, generators, and other machinery, plays a vital role throughout a number of industries. To keep this equipment on-line and running at peak performance, operating data is collected as a part of preventive maintenance, performance measurement, and/or

What is Finite Element Amalysis?

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a versatile tool that empowers engineers to make informed decisions, enhance product performance, and address structural challenges by providing detailed insights into the behavior of complex systems. FEA plays a pivotal role in predicting the behavior of structures, components, products/assemblies, and materials under various conditions.

What is Modal Analysis?

Modal analysis is a powerful technique in structural engineering and dynamics that aims to understand the dynamic behavior of a structure by identifying its natural frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios. This method plays a crucial role in assessing the structural integrity, performance, and response of various mechanical and civil

Ensuring New Product Success

Test data plays a pivotal role in the validation of product designs, serving as a critical tool to ensure the functionality, reliability, and overall effectiveness of a product. Designers and engineers rely on test data to simulate real-world operating conditions, identify potential issues, and refine designs before reaching the production

Industrial Equipment

6DOF Testing & Analysis has a wide range of capabilities when it comes to testing industrial equipment. We understand the criticality of ensuring the reliability, safety, and performance of industrial machinery, and our services are designed to meet these requirements. Here are some of our key industrial equipment testing capabilities:

1 on 1 with: Madison Detherage

Madison a 6D co-op and a student at the University of Cincinnati. She is working toward a degree in Aerospace Engineering and computer science certification.  Let’s go one-on-one with her to learn a little more. Read it here.

1 on 1 with Nathan Berge

So, what’s a University of Cincinnati Aerospace Engineering student from a farm town west of Chicago doing at Six D? Nathan Berge is a returning co-op eager to learn more about engineering, testing, and analysis.  And as any Six D co-op will tell you, the hands-on learning experience that Six

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