Rollin’ on the River: Long Term Remote Vibration Monitoring

By Prutha Deshmukh When it comes to field testing, data collection, product validation, and troubleshooting there are a world of possibilities. And   when you’re involved in as many mechanical engineering projects as we are, work can sometimes take you to some very cool places. One example is a recent marine

Plant Labor Shortage Solutions

Those who have reentered society following the 2020/2021 lockdowns have noticed many changes. Not the least of which are restricted hours pertaining to restaurants, retailers, and other service-oriented establishments. In short, these businesses simply lack the staff needed to maintain traditional hours of operation. While this may be an inconvenience

Cost-Effective Solutions to Complex Mechanical and Structural Failure

Small to mid-size manufacturers, systems integrators, and end-users (and those with limited budgets) face a real dilemma when it comes to correcting mechanical or structural failure. The source of the problem must be identified and corrected at a comfortable cost point. You have your areas of interest and expertise –

Remote Assisted Testing: Milton CAT

This whole COVID thing has clamped down on travel – but mechanical and structural problems persist. Six D has developed a process to support customers remotely while solving complex failure issues. Here’s one example: Milton CAT provides Caterpillar engines to a variety of industries and applications. In the past, the

FEA Combined with Rotating Machinery System Validation

Rotating machinery systems are generally comprised of high-quality sub-systems. While each of these sub-systems may have been well qualified by the manufacturer, in many cases the system in its entirety may not perform well. In this case, when working with machinery, 6D compares operating tests (vibration, stresses) to targets. We’re

Structural Validation through Field Testing

While field test validation can be applied to a wide range of products, it is most often used to validate designs for vehicles of some type. This often includes, but is not limited to, agricultural and construction equipment, forestry, on and off-highway trucks, specialty vehicles, and so on. Watch this

Oil Pan Cracking

Rotating equipment, with its multiple components and sub-assemblies, is subjected to varying vibrational forces. While certain levels of vibration are inherent to the normal operation of pumps, fans, gen-sets, and similar equipment – however, sometimes vibration levels become excessive. As vibration increases equipment and supporting structures are susceptible to cracks,

Let’s get Social!

Did you know that Six D is now on Facebook, Linkedin, and YouTube? In the months ahead, we’ll be creating and posting a number of informative videos, articles, and other forms of useful content to help improve your understanding and applications of equipment/vehicle testing and engineering analysis. Be sure to

Supporting Equipment Dealers

For more than five decades, Six D Testing & Analysis senior management and engineers have worked with equipment manufacturers and systems integrators to troubleshoot equipment, validate new designs, and plan next generation products. We often get involved when a dealer is requested to commission an engine to drive a piece

Oil Pan Cracking

Cracks were developing in oil pans of several Caterpillar engines used to drive reciprocating pumps at a gas pumping facility. Removing an oil pan for inspection and replacement from such an inaccessible, large installation required special precautions and extensive cribbing. Because the engine design had been in service for many

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