Structural Testing

Whether you’re introducing a new product, enhancing an existing design, or experiencing problems with in-service equipment or products, 6D provides the expertise that only comes from decades of hands-on practical testing experience.

Our structural testing services include:

  • Test Planning
  • Structure Preparation/Instrumentation
  • Data Collection
  • Process data for Finite Element Analysis
  • FEA / Simulation
  • Predictive Life Analysis
  • Report & Recommendations


Loads are the forces applied to structures or transmitted by structural members. They may be static or dynamic, may act downwards or push or pull structures in all directions. Knowing the forces acting on or within a structure can help explain a structure’s response—the cause of a premature failure, for example. Determining real-world loads is critical in troubleshooting as well as in product design.


First steps in determining loads might include:

  • Developing a measurement method.
  • Designing and building transducers if required.
  • Developing a laydown to use existing components to measure loads if possible.
  • Developing calibration methods to extract required loads from test measurements.

Strain / Stress

6D can effectively measure static and dynamic stresses due to static/transient loads, vibrations, and fatigue. 6D is capable of acquiring linear as well as torsional measurements.

The data acquisition is usually done through strain gage installation where various types of application-specific strain gages are installed by the 6D team followed by analysis of the strain measurements to convert them into stresses.

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